My journey from 9-5 grind, to copywriting freedom

Hi, I'm Midas - Copywriting Master

With over a decade of experience in the world of copywriting and digital marketing, I've witnessed the incredible impact that powerful, persuasive messaging can have on a business. I've seen how the right words can turn a struggling brand into a market leader, how a well-crafted headline can double conversions, and how a strong story can build an unshakeable connection with an audience.

I once trudged through the dreary 9-5 grind, where each day was a never-ending loop of Monday morning blues. Waking up felt like a battle, the commute a chore, and watching the clock crawl to 5 pm? Pure agony. Life was a monotonous blur, trapped in a beige cubicle, doing work duller than a rusty butter knife.

Sure, it kept the lights on, but living? Not so much.

Then, I stumbled upon a digital wonderland – a realm of possibility that made the mundane world of office life look like a bad dream. It was like discovering Narnia, but with a faster internet connection. Visionaries like Dan Koe and Tim Denning lit the path, showing me how to break free and dive headfirst into the wild world of solopreneurship.

Armed with nothing but a laptop and a cup of ambition stronger than my morning espresso, I plunged into the digital deep end. The waters weren’t always calm – I faced more late nights than I care to admit, stumbles that made me question my sanity, and enough self-doubt to fill a library of Shakespearean tragedies.

But guess what? I hustled, learned, and hustled some more. Bit by bit, my side gigs started to outshine my 9-5 paycheck, until one day, I hit the project jackpot. Cha-ching!

With newfound confidence and a toolbox full of digital skills, I waved goodbye to the 9-5 slog and hello to the exhilarating ride of solopreneurship. It wasn’t always smooth, but the freedom to pick my projects, set my own hours, and work from anywhere – be it bed or beach – fueled my fire.

Now, as a solopreneur, I'm not just getting by – I'm thriving. My office is wherever my laptop lands, and every project feels like crafting a masterpiece. I traded the dull for the dazzling, and I’m living my story, one keystroke at a time.

Here’s to breaking free, embracing the digital adventure, and turning our stories into a blockbuster hit. The journey’s wild, but who wants ordinary when you can be extraordinary?

Let's get it!


three ways i can help you


The "Own Your Future" Newsletter

Every Sunday morning I share practical guidance to help you start and scale your digital business - it's free!

I will never spam or sell your info. Ever.


Copywriting Checklist

I've invested thousands of dollars and countless hours into learning from the best copywriters in the world. Now, you can benefit from that experience in just 10 steps.


copywriting masterclass

Learn how to write to turn curious browsers into loyal customers. 34 video lessons, 3 bonuses, no fluff. Perfect for beginners and more advanced marketers. The ultimate copywriting masterclass.

My journey from 9-5 grind, to copywriting freedom

Hi, I'm Midas - Copywriting Master

With over a decade of experience in the world of copywriting and digital marketing, I've witnessed the incredible impact that powerful, persuasive messaging can have on a business. I've seen how the right words can turn a struggling brand into a market leader, how a well-crafted headline can double conversions, and how a strong story can build an unshakeable connection with an audience.

I once trudged through the dreary 9-5 grind, where each day was a never-ending loop of Monday morning blues. Waking up felt like a battle, the commute a chore, and watching the clock crawl to 5 pm? Pure agony. Life was a monotonous blur, trapped in a beige cubicle, doing work duller than a rusty butter knife.

Sure, it kept the lights on, but living? Not so much.

Then, I stumbled upon a digital wonderland – a realm of possibility that made the mundane world of office life look like a bad dream. It was like discovering Narnia, but with a faster internet connection. Visionaries like Dan Koe and Tim Denning lit the path, showing me how to break free and dive headfirst into the wild world of solopreneurship.

Armed with nothing but a laptop and a cup of ambition stronger than my morning espresso, I plunged into the digital deep end. The waters weren’t always calm – I faced more late nights than I care to admit, stumbles that made me question my sanity, and enough self-doubt to fill a library of Shakespearean tragedies.

But guess what? I hustled, learned, and hustled some more. Bit by bit, my side gigs started to outshine my 9-5 paycheck, until one day, I hit the project jackpot. Cha-ching!

With newfound confidence and a toolbox full of digital skills, I waved goodbye to the 9-5 slog and hello to the exhilarating ride of solopreneurship. It wasn’t always smooth, but the freedom to pick my projects, set my own hours, and work from anywhere – be it bed or beach – fueled my fire.

Now, as a solopreneur, I'm not just getting by – I'm thriving. My office is wherever my laptop lands, and every project feels like crafting a masterpiece. I traded the dull for the dazzling, and I’m living my story, one keystroke at a time.

Here’s to breaking free, embracing the digital adventure, and turning our stories into a blockbuster hit. The journey’s wild, but who wants ordinary when you can be extraordinary?

Let's get it!


three ways i can help you


The "Own Your Future" Newsletter

Every Sunday morning I share practical guidance to help you start and scale your digital business - it's free!

I will never spam or sell your info. Ever.


Copywriting Checklist

I've invested thousands of dollars and countless hours into learning from the best copywriters in the world. Now, you can benefit from that experience in just 10 steps.


copywriting masterclass

Learn how to write to turn curious browsers into loyal customers. 34 video lessons, 3 bonuses, no fluff. Perfect for beginners and more advanced marketers. The ultimate copywriting masterclass.

My journey from 9-5 grind, to copywriting freedom

Hi, I'm Midas - Copywriting Master

With over a decade of experience in the world of copywriting and digital marketing, I've witnessed the incredible impact that powerful, persuasive messaging can have on a business. I've seen how the right words can turn a struggling brand into a market leader, how a well-crafted headline can double conversions, and how a strong story can build an unshakeable connection with an audience.

I once trudged through the dreary 9-5 grind, where each day was a never-ending loop of Monday morning blues. Waking up felt like a battle, the commute a chore, and watching the clock crawl to 5 pm? Pure agony. Life was a monotonous blur, trapped in a beige cubicle, doing work duller than a rusty butter knife.

Sure, it kept the lights on, but living? Not so much.

Then, I stumbled upon a digital wonderland – a realm of possibility that made the mundane world of office life look like a bad dream. It was like discovering Narnia, but with a faster internet connection. Visionaries like Dan Koe and Tim Denning lit the path, showing me how to break free and dive headfirst into the wild world of solopreneurship.

Armed with nothing but a laptop and a cup of ambition stronger than my morning espresso, I plunged into the digital deep end. The waters weren’t always calm – I faced more late nights than I care to admit, stumbles that made me question my sanity, and enough self-doubt to fill a library of Shakespearean tragedies.

But guess what? I hustled, learned, and hustled some more. Bit by bit, my side gigs started to outshine my 9-5 paycheck, until one day, I hit the project jackpot. Cha-ching!

With newfound confidence and a toolbox full of digital skills, I waved goodbye to the 9-5 slog and hello to the exhilarating ride of solopreneurship. It wasn’t always smooth, but the freedom to pick my projects, set my own hours, and work from anywhere – be it bed or beach – fueled my fire.

Now, as a solopreneur, I'm not just getting by – I'm thriving. My office is wherever my laptop lands, and every project feels like crafting a masterpiece. I traded the dull for the dazzling, and I’m living my story, one keystroke at a time.

Here’s to breaking free, embracing the digital adventure, and turning our stories into a blockbuster hit. The journey’s wild, but who wants ordinary when you can be extraordinary?

Let's get it!


three ways i can help you


The "Own Your Future" Newsletter

Every Sunday morning I share practical guidance to help you start and scale your digital business - it's free!

I will never spam or sell your info. Ever.


Copywriting Checklist

I've invested thousands of dollars and countless hours into learning from the best copywriters in the world. Now, you can benefit from that experience in just 10 steps.


copywriting masterclass

Learn how to write to turn curious browsers into loyal customers. 34 video lessons, 3 bonuses, no fluff. Perfect for beginners and more advanced marketers. The ultimate copywriting masterclass.