Tuesday, 18 June 2024


3 min read

10 Proven Strategies for Writing Headlines That Convert


Founder, Biker, Dad

Here’s a cold, hard truth: You could write the most brilliant copy in the world, but if your headline doesn’t grab attention, no one’s going to read it. It’s brutal, but it’s reality.

So, what makes a headline irresistible? How do you craft one that demands to be clicked?

  1. Promise a Benefit: People want to know what’s in it for them. A headline like "Double Your Sales in 30 Days" tells the reader exactly what they stand to gain.

  2. Use Numbers: There’s a reason listicles are so popular—numbers give a sense of structure and make your headline more digestible. Think "7 Secrets to Perfecting Your Morning Routine."

  3. Create Curiosity: Tease just enough information to pique interest. "The One Thing Every Successful Entrepreneur Does Before Breakfast" leaves the reader wondering what that thing could be.

  4. Ask a Question: Engage your reader with a question that resonates. "Are You Making These Common Marketing Mistakes?" makes them pause and reflect.

  5. Use Power Words: Words like "free," "proven," "guaranteed," and "exclusive" pack a punch and add urgency to your headline.

  6. Leverage FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Create a sense of urgency with phrases like "Limited Time Offer" or "Only 5 Spots Left!"

  7. Appeal to Emotions: Headlines that tap into emotions—be it fear, joy, or curiosity—are incredibly effective. "How to Finally Break Free from Overwhelm and Stress" speaks to a deep emotional need.

  8. Keep it Simple: Don’t overcomplicate things. A clear, straightforward headline like "How to Save Money on Your Next Vacation" is often more effective than something convoluted.

  9. Use Strong Verbs: Action-oriented words like "boost," "transform," or "unlock" give your headline energy and momentum.

  10. Test and Tweak: Sometimes, the best way to find out what works is through testing. A/B test different headlines to see which one resonates most with your audience.

Your headline is the gateway to your content—it’s the first impression you make. By following these strategies, you’ll be crafting headlines that don’t just get clicks but drive action. Remember, the best headlines are the ones that make readers feel something—and compel them to find out more.

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Tuesday, 18 June 2024


3 min read

10 Proven Strategies for Writing Headlines That Convert


Founder, Biker, Dad

Here’s a cold, hard truth: You could write the most brilliant copy in the world, but if your headline doesn’t grab attention, no one’s going to read it. It’s brutal, but it’s reality.

So, what makes a headline irresistible? How do you craft one that demands to be clicked?

  1. Promise a Benefit: People want to know what’s in it for them. A headline like "Double Your Sales in 30 Days" tells the reader exactly what they stand to gain.

  2. Use Numbers: There’s a reason listicles are so popular—numbers give a sense of structure and make your headline more digestible. Think "7 Secrets to Perfecting Your Morning Routine."

  3. Create Curiosity: Tease just enough information to pique interest. "The One Thing Every Successful Entrepreneur Does Before Breakfast" leaves the reader wondering what that thing could be.

  4. Ask a Question: Engage your reader with a question that resonates. "Are You Making These Common Marketing Mistakes?" makes them pause and reflect.

  5. Use Power Words: Words like "free," "proven," "guaranteed," and "exclusive" pack a punch and add urgency to your headline.

  6. Leverage FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Create a sense of urgency with phrases like "Limited Time Offer" or "Only 5 Spots Left!"

  7. Appeal to Emotions: Headlines that tap into emotions—be it fear, joy, or curiosity—are incredibly effective. "How to Finally Break Free from Overwhelm and Stress" speaks to a deep emotional need.

  8. Keep it Simple: Don’t overcomplicate things. A clear, straightforward headline like "How to Save Money on Your Next Vacation" is often more effective than something convoluted.

  9. Use Strong Verbs: Action-oriented words like "boost," "transform," or "unlock" give your headline energy and momentum.

  10. Test and Tweak: Sometimes, the best way to find out what works is through testing. A/B test different headlines to see which one resonates most with your audience.

Your headline is the gateway to your content—it’s the first impression you make. By following these strategies, you’ll be crafting headlines that don’t just get clicks but drive action. Remember, the best headlines are the ones that make readers feel something—and compel them to find out more.

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Tuesday, 18 June 2024


3 min read

10 Proven Strategies for Writing Headlines That Convert


Founder, Biker, Dad

Here’s a cold, hard truth: You could write the most brilliant copy in the world, but if your headline doesn’t grab attention, no one’s going to read it. It’s brutal, but it’s reality.

So, what makes a headline irresistible? How do you craft one that demands to be clicked?

  1. Promise a Benefit: People want to know what’s in it for them. A headline like "Double Your Sales in 30 Days" tells the reader exactly what they stand to gain.

  2. Use Numbers: There’s a reason listicles are so popular—numbers give a sense of structure and make your headline more digestible. Think "7 Secrets to Perfecting Your Morning Routine."

  3. Create Curiosity: Tease just enough information to pique interest. "The One Thing Every Successful Entrepreneur Does Before Breakfast" leaves the reader wondering what that thing could be.

  4. Ask a Question: Engage your reader with a question that resonates. "Are You Making These Common Marketing Mistakes?" makes them pause and reflect.

  5. Use Power Words: Words like "free," "proven," "guaranteed," and "exclusive" pack a punch and add urgency to your headline.

  6. Leverage FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Create a sense of urgency with phrases like "Limited Time Offer" or "Only 5 Spots Left!"

  7. Appeal to Emotions: Headlines that tap into emotions—be it fear, joy, or curiosity—are incredibly effective. "How to Finally Break Free from Overwhelm and Stress" speaks to a deep emotional need.

  8. Keep it Simple: Don’t overcomplicate things. A clear, straightforward headline like "How to Save Money on Your Next Vacation" is often more effective than something convoluted.

  9. Use Strong Verbs: Action-oriented words like "boost," "transform," or "unlock" give your headline energy and momentum.

  10. Test and Tweak: Sometimes, the best way to find out what works is through testing. A/B test different headlines to see which one resonates most with your audience.

Your headline is the gateway to your content—it’s the first impression you make. By following these strategies, you’ll be crafting headlines that don’t just get clicks but drive action. Remember, the best headlines are the ones that make readers feel something—and compel them to find out more.

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